The Many, Many, Many New Comic Book Series Coming This Fall

Let’s be real: Comics are kind of a year-round thing. But you know what fall has that the rest of those lousy seasons don’t? Perfect comic book reading weather. So it’s a good thing that there’s tons of new comics on the way! Here’s our picks of the wonderful new books you’ll want to get cozy with in the coming months.




Legacy #1—You know what’s fun to read after an overwrought comic book event? An overwrought comic book one-shot. Legacy is meant, one imagines, to encapsulate all of the magic and wonder that Marvel’s books have managed to create over the years and distill it all down into a single, easily digestible issue. Expect big revelations about the past and futures of Marvel’s finest, setting in place a new era for the publisher’s comics. (Jason Aaron, Esad Ribic)

Generations One-Shots—Marvel’s Generations books are an ongoing series of one-shots in which classic legacy characters (hey there, brand synergy) are suddenly pulled through time and space to meet up with newer incarnations. So far, the details of the stories haven’t amounted to all that much, but as Marvel further tries to turn raw nostalgia for the past into an interesting story, there’s a chance that the Generation series could become more important this fall.

  • Sam Wilson, Captain America, and Steve Rogers, Captain America #1(Nick Spencer, Paul Renaud)
  • Captain Marvel and Captain Mar-Vell #1 (Margaret Stohl, Brent Schoonover)
  • Iron Man and Ironheart #1 (Brian Michael Bendis, Marco Rudy)
  • Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel #1 (G. Willow Wilson, Paolo Villanelli)
  • Miles Morales, Spider-Man, and Peter Parker, Spider-Man #1 (Brian Michael Bendis, Ramon Perez)

Runaways #1—Nothing forges the bonds of friendship between moody teens quite like discovering that your parents (who are friends with each other) are actually members of the same insane cult trying to bring about the destruction of the world. It’s been a few years (and a few deaths) since the Runaways last saw each other, but the team is scheduled for an absolutely fantastic reunion. (Rainbow Rowell, Kris Anka)

Secret Empire: Omega #1—Wait. You thought Secret Empire was over? You must be new here. Comic book events never end. That being said, Secret Empire: Omega should be a different kind of story, seeing as how it’s all about the ways that the power vacuum that develops in the absence of a once-powerful, repressive regime can be just as destructive as the regime itself. (Nick Spencer, Andrea Sorrentino)

Venomverse #1—A new mini-event kicks off as Venom discovers a new threat hunting the symbiotes called the Poison. But when he can’t fight them alone, he has a desperate idea: working together with a bunch of other Venomized Marvel heroes! (Cullen Bunn, Iban Coello)

Venomverse: War Stories #1—Oh, confused about that bit in Venomverse about other Venomized Marvel heroes? This companion series delves into the adventures of the symbiote-enhanced heroes not covered in the main series, from the Punisher to Rocket Raccoon. (Cullen Bunn, Declan Shalvey, Magdalene Visaggio, Annapaola Martello, Tana Ford, and more)

Captain Phasma #1—The Star Wars galaxy is filled with untold stories and unsolved mysteries that have wracked the minds of fans for decades. But now its most potent mystery is about to finally be unveiled: how the hell did Captain Phasma get out of that trash compactor at the end of The Force Awakens to avoid a fiery death, so she can be in The Last Jedi!? (Kelly Thompson, Marco Checchetto)



Dark Nights: Metal – Batmen One-Shots—As part of its ongoing Metal event, DC is introducing a squad of evil, seemingly sadistic Batman analogues who share a variety of character traits with other members of the Justice League. We still don’t know all that much about who and what these evil Bat people are or where they come from, but each of them is getting a one-shot of their own with different creative teams.

  • Batman: The Red Death #1 (Joshua Williamson, Carmine Di Giandomenico)
  • Batman: The Murder Machine #1 (Frank Tieri, Ricardo Federici)
  • Batman: The Dawnbreaker #1 (Sam Humphries, Ethan Van Sciver)
  • Batman: The Drowned #1 (Dan Abnett, Philip Tan)
  • Batman: The Merciless #1 (Peter J. Tomasi, Francis Manapul)

Bombshells United #1—When Donna Troy and Cassie Sandsmark’s families are suddenly torn from their lives in 1943 Arizona and placed in internment camps, Wonder Woman responds to their cries. Together, the heroines stand up to face the growing spread of racialized hostility that’s sprung up in the US as a result of World War II. (Marguerite Bennett, Marguerite Sauvage)

Dastardly and Muttley #1—You’d think that people would know better than to build an atomic reactor powered with a radioactive substance known as unstabilium, but this is the world of comic books, where people do silly, world-endangering things like like that all the time. When the substance is accidentally released into the atmosphere, Lt. Col. Richard “Dick” Atcherly and Captain Dudley “Mutt” Muller are tasked with trying to fix the mess. (Garth Ennis, Mauricet.)

Harley Quinn 25th Anniversary Special #1—It’s been 25 years since Harley Quinn captured our hearts and proved that if Gotham has to have a clown-based villain running around causing mayhem, she was clearly the harlequin to bet on. In celebration of her 25th anniversary, legendary writers and artists are coming together to tell a series of stories that reflect the true essence of her character. (Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Paul Dini, Chip Zdarsky, Chad Hardin, Joe Quinones)

Wonder Woman/Conan #1—There are certain fictional characters who, despite being so alike on paper, you could easily see not at all getting along were they ever to meet up. Wonder Woman and Conan the Barbarian have a hell of a lot in common, not the least of which are their steadfast and aggressive personalities. When their paths cross this fall, will they be friend or foe? (Gail Simone, Aaron Lopresti, Matt Ryan)



Kingsman: The Red Diamond #1—Following the events of the original KingsmanThe Red Diamond picks up just as Eggsy is beginning to discover what kind of agent he’s going to be when, as luck would have it, he finds himself wrapped up in a mission to save Prince Phillip. (Rob Williams, Simon Fraser)

Angelic #1—After all of the planet’s humans are dead and gone, the animals that we experimented on will inherit the Earth and along with it a new lease on life. Now free from their oppressive human overlords, these animals begin to consume and mimic dead human culture, not fully understanding what it is they’re doing. Think Planet of the Apes but with techno-dolphins. (Simon Spurrier, Caspar Wijngaard)

Millarworld Annual 2017—Mark Millar’s Millarworld is always a good opportunity to discover the work of new artists and writers and lose yourself in new stories and worlds that otherwise you might never have come across. (Writers: Emma Sayle, Martin Renard, Simon James, Stephanie Cooke, Steve Lawrence, William Mclaren. Artists: Alex Aguilar, Edgy Ziane, Jake Elphick, Luana Vecchio, Marcelo Salaza, Robert Carey)

The Realm #1—It seems like everyone these days is living in their own personal post-apocalyptic hellscape, but imagine if we were all living in a world infested with mythical terrors like orcs and dragons all hellbent on destroying what’s left of humanity. Welcome to the Realm. (Seth M. Peck, Jeremy and Nick Filardi)

Retcon #1—How would you, dear reader, go about making your way back into an “all-new,” “all-different” reboot of a comic book series that never existed? How would you make sense of the story and its characters? How would you wrap your mind around the shocking reimagining of an all-too familiar universe that you hadn’t actually experienced before? (Matt Nixon, Toby Cypress)

Scales & Scoundrels #1—It’s fun to envision the lush fantasy worlds of role-playing games, and to become one of the adventuring treasure hunters who search high and low for magical loot. But nobody ever wants to talk about what it’s like when the spoils of your dungeon raves don’t amount to much. Luvander is one of those unlucky treasure hunters and this fall, she’s finally going to get her shot at making it big. (Sebastian Girner, Galaad)



Star Wars Adventures #1—Meant to be a gateway to the galaxy far, far away for young Star Wars fans, this monthly series delves into new stories and adventures of characters from throughout the franchise in fresh ways. First up on the list? Rey, who we’ll see trekking across Jakku long before she ever knew how the Force would change her life. (Cavan Scott, Derek Charm)

DuckTales #1—Huey, Dewey, and Louie aren’t just coming back to television, they’re also getting back into comics with their uncle in a new series of adventures that’ll leave you with the distinct feeling that Donald really isn’t well-suited to care for children. (Joe Caramagna, Luca Usai, Gianfranco Florio, Marco Ghiglione)

Samurai Jack: Quantum Jack #1—We’ve seen Samurai Jack as a hero traveling through time to defeat Aku, but imagine if Jack wasn’t as concerned about saving the world as he was focused on his leadership of a gang of criminal bikers. Seeing as how long the samurai’s spent hopping around in the timeline, it was inevitable that something like this would happen. (Fabian Rangel Jr., Warwick Johnson-Cadwell)

Half Past Danger II: Dead to Reichs #1—Did you know that dinosaurs were an integral part of the Nazi’s plan to win World War II? Cause they were. Thing is, you don’t hear about the Nazi-dinos all that much because the Third Reich’s plan to deploy them was foiled by Sergeant Tommy Irish Flynn and Captain John Noble. But when the two men discover that there’s still rogue dinosaur DNA running around in the wild, they set out to make sure that nobody can finish what the Nazis started. (Stephen Mooney)

Wormwood, Gentleman Corpse: Mr. Wormwood Goes to Washington #1—Have you ever been up late at night watching old Congressional footage on C-Span and thought to yourself, “Damn, that person speaking sure looks like a zombie”? Well, imagine if the Federal Government dispatched a very special kind of agent to Capitol Hill to gather intel. Now imagine that that special agent was dead. Undead. A zombie, the special agent is a zombie, we’re saying. (Ben Templesmith)

I Am a Number #1—Say you were born into a world in which you were assigned a number. But this number, unlike your social security code, doesn’t identify you as a unique individual, but is instead a numeric representation of the value you provide to others. The lower the number, the less valuable. That’s the world of I Am a Number, and it’s a world that’s as terrifying as it appears to be strangely cute. (Rian Hughes)

Dark Horse


Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: 1955—Occult Intelligence #1—By this point, you know the drill. When Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. catch wind of some strange magical phenomena taking place on a remote island, they drop in on the scene only to discover themselves freshly entangled in yet another set of perilous circumstances. (Mike Mignola, Chris Roberson, Brian Churilla)

Boom! Studios

Big Trouble in Little China: Old Man Jack #1—Set in the same universe as John Carpenter’s Big Trouble in Little China, the gates of hell have opened and unleashed untold horrors into the world in the year 2020. Jack Burton, now an old man, is one of the few people still living who can stop Ching Dai, the self-appointed ruler of the newly hellish planet. (John Carpenter, Anthony Burch, Jorge Corona)

Lazaretto #1—We all read Lord of the Flies as children and got one of our first looks at the horrifying id of the human spirit played out in the petty squabbles of young children. Imagine, then, if a similar story was told about a group of young adults trapped on their college campus after being quarantined. (Clay McLeod Chapman, Jey Levang)



Bloodshot: Salvation #1—Just when Ray Garrison, codename: Bloodshot, manages to put his brutal, bloody past behind him to start a family with the woman he loves, a secret from her past resurfaces and threatens to ruin everything they’re trying to build. (Jeff Lemire, Lewis Larosa, Mico Suayan)


John Wick #1—Set before the events of the first John Wick movie, the new John Wick series follows a much younger John while he’s still trying to master the Book of Rules and discover what Calamity and the Three Bills are. (Greg Pak, Giovanni Valletta)

Titan Comics

The Beautiful Death #1—We forget sometimes, when we’re telling stories about the apocalypse, that who the “good guys” are in these stories is entirely a matter of opinion. A swarm of aliens that infest Earth might not see themselves as villains—they might see themselves as innocent nomads taking advantage of nature’s bounty the way life intended. In The Beautiful Death, an alien invasion has left the world decimated with the few remaining humans desperately clinging to the remnants of their culture in a secret, underground society. (Mathieu Bablet)




You might be noticing some much bigger issue numbers than you’d usually expect for a preview of new series this fall—and that’s because Marvel Legacyis upon us, the all-new, all-different (but not that all-new, all-different) roster shakeup for Marvel Comics that sees new paths forged, new creative teams, and new adventures for the world of heroes. It also means that the classic numbering from Marvel’s old comics is coming back, bumping most books’ issue runs to ridiculous extremes. So it’s new stories, but old numbers. Got it? We’re sure you’ll survive the confusion.

Amazing Spider-Man #789—Peter Parker’s had all manner of villains as part of his rogues gallery, but when he returns this fall, he’s facing new kinds of enemies. They will challenge him to reevaluate who he is, both as a superhero and a man, as he finds himself with Parker Industries gone and back to life working at the Daily Bugle. (Dan Slott, Stuart Immonen)

Falcon #1—It was only a matter of time until Sam Wilson had an honest conversation with himself about what all it meant when he accepted the Captain America title from Steve Rogers and became a new kind of American icon. With the events of Secret Empire behind him, Sam’s got a new lease on life and he’s getting back to his roots. Not just for himself, but for his new protégé, Patriot, who’ll join Sam in his fight against the demon Blackheart. (Rodney Barnes, Joshua Cassara)

Invincible Iron Man #593—The Marvel universe is chock full of brilliant minds who have such a powerful mastery of the most advanced sciences that their potential for greatness is near limitless. Flawed a man though he may have been, Tony Stark played a key role in driving the world’s technological development forward. This fall, two of his would-be successors, Ironheart and Doctor Doom, will battle to see which of them is most worthy to inherit Tony’s legacy. (Brian Michael Bendis, Stefano Caselli)

Spirits of Vengeance #1—There are certain darker corners of the larger Marvel universe that most characters wouldn’t dare step into. Places where dead, decaying things thrive and feed on the living and even the most skilled magic user takes care to tread carefully. When an undercover angel mysteriously dies, it’s a team of shadowdy, mystical beings who step forward and take on the task of finding out just whodunnit. (Victor Gischler, David Baldeon)

Incredible Hulk #709—From the moment that Amadeus Cho became the Totally Awesome Hulk, he’s taken care to try and avoid making many of the same mistakes that ended up endangering Bruce Banner. When Amadeus receives a distress signal from Sakaar, he’s torn between his desires to do the right thing and help or run away from the war planet that turned the original Hulk into a new kind of monster. (Greg Pak, Greg Land)

Black Panther #166—As both the king of Wakanda and one of the most respected Avengers in Marvel’s history, T’Challa understands the importance of looking to the past to better understand the future’s challenges that have not yet come to pass. Though he’s spent an entire lifetime trying to avenge his father’s death and bring Ulysses Klaw to justice for the crimes he’s committed against Wakanda, T’Challa’s never quite managed to stop the villain once and for all. But that may be about to change. (Ta-Nehisi Coates, Leonard Kirk)

Captain Marvel #125—Carol Danvers has always seen herself as a protector and defender of the universe whose sole mission is to ensure that all forms of life have a chance to live in relative happiness and prosperity. Like all heroes, she’s had her brushes with her own personal darkness in the past, but in her new adventure, the formidable enemy she’s facing is literally herself. (Margaret Stohl, Michele Bandini)

Iron Fist #73—You wouldn’t know it to read his more recent adventures, but Iron Fist and the mutant Sabertooth go way, way back. As fate would have it, though, the living weapon will need Sabertooth’s help in order to solve a new mystery involving K’un-Lun, but there’s no telling whether the two enemies will be able to set aside their differences long enough to actually help one another out. (Ed Brisson, Mike Perkins)

Luke Cage #166—Luke Cage is one of Marvel’s most well-known, high-profile heroes that has never bothered to hide his true identity while using his super strength and unbreakable skin to protect the public. Luke’s spent decades building up good faith amongst the citizens whose lives he’s saved and so imagine his surprise when he ends up stuck in prison once again for a crime he didn’t commit. It’ll take all of Luke’s physical and mental fortitude to discover who’s trying to keep him behind bars. (David F. Walker, Nelson Blake)

Cable #150—When you get into a Cable story, there are a few things you can safely expect to see: guns, muscles, guns, time travel, guns, and maybe, depending on the creative team behind a particular book, Cable puffing away on a stogie. This fall, Cable will travel into the past (again) to shoot up a bad guy (again) because (as usual) he’s the only mutant alive in any timeline who can save the day. (Ed Brisson, Jon Malin)

The Despicable Deadpool #287—Though Cable’s supposed to be preoccupied mucking around in the past for the umpteenth time, his best buddy Deadpool’s got unfinished business with him in the present. After spending what seems like forever living life as a reformed mercenary, Deadpool’s finally ready to get back to killing people for money and sport His first target? It’s Cable. Asshole. (Gerry Duggan, Scott Koblish)

Avengers #672—Both the Avengers and the Champions are the kinds of world-saving super-teams you’d imagine would spring into action the moment that they learned that a madman like the High Evolutionary was trying to destroy the planet. But the first thing the teams are going to want to do this fall when faced with a new, if familiar threat, is to turn on each other… because heroes never learn, apparently. (Mark Waid, Jesus Saiz)

Mighty Thor #700—There are a whole lot of Thors running around in Marvel’s books right now. And after months of them all kinda, sorta, but not really getting together to talk about what it means that all of them have at one time or another identified as Thor, the Hammer gang is coming together to head off the threats that have been looming over them all. (Marc Guggenhein, Mike Mayhew)

Deadpool vs. Old Man Logan #1—Over the course of his long life, Old Man Logan has seen some pretty crazy shit. It makes a certain kind of sense, then, that in his insanely old age, he’d busy himself with the more interesting, rare things in life… like hunting omega-level mutants. But if there’s one thing we know about OML, it’s that he can never have a moment’s peace and so he’ll spend his new adventure being pestered by Deadpool. (Declan Shalvey, Mike Henderson)



Batman Lost #1—If you had a nickel for every time that someone in DC’s books told Batman to mind his own damn business and stop poking at the edges of the multiverse for detective reasons, then you’d probably have just enough money to buy this comic, a one-shot about Batman getting lost in the Dark Multiverse. (Scott Snyder)

Batman: White Knight #1—In a world where Bruce Wayne becomes the ultimate terror striking fear into the hearts of Gotham’s innocent, the Joker is the one hero equipped with the necessary skills and off-kilter mindset to take him on. (Sean Murphy)

DC House of Horror #1—In this Halloween-themed one shot, classic members of the Justice League are reimagined as morbid horror stories. What if Wonder Woman was a regular woman possessed by the spirit of a murderous Amazon? What if the alien that Martha Kent found in front of her farm was a bloodthirsty beast? What if Batman were, uh, a vampire? (Edward Lee, Brian Keene, Nick Cutter, Mary Sangiovanni, Wrath James White, Ronald Malfi, Weston Ochse, Bryan Smith, Rags Morales, Bilquis Evely, Howard Porter, Scott Kolins, and Dale Eaglesham)

Deadman #1—You’d think that a character called Deadman would know who killed him, but you’d be quite wrong. In his new series, Deadman’s teaming up with some of DC’s more formidable supernatural heroes (and Batman) to delve into the mysterious circumstances of his death. (Neal Adams)

Dark Nights: Metal – Batman Spinoffs—Another month, another couple more one-shots featuring the weird and twisted Batmen of the Dark Multiverse.

  • Batman: The Devastator #1 (Frank Tieri, Tony S. Daniel)
  • The Batman Who Laughs #1 (James T. Tynion IV, Riley Rossmo)

Gotham City Garage #1—In this alternate universe, Lex Luthor has managed to achieve his lifelong goal of subjugating the citizens of a major metropolitan city and convincing them to bow down before him to worship at his feet like a god. An automated network keeps people in check and out of trouble with a little assistance from Batman and a task force of state-sponsored goons to do the punching that Lex can’t. When a young Kara Gordon realizes the trouble she’ll soon be in if she stays in the city, she makes a run for the edge of the town, where she encounters a biker gang of anti-heroes like Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn, and Big Barda. (Jackson Lanzing, Collin Kelly)

Harley and Ivy Meet Betty and Veronica #1—Everyone who’s anyone knows that, despite what the titles of the comics they’ve all appeared in, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Betty Cooper, and Veronica Lodge are the respective queens of the towns they come from. Both pairs of BFFs have spent the bulk of their histories being big fishes in relatively small ponds, and when the quartet meet up this fall, they’re going to see what it’s like to truly have their mean girl mettle tested. (Paul Dini, Marc Andreyko, and Laura Braga)

Ragman #1—Characters like Ragman are always interesting because despite their terrible codenames, they’ve actually got some very interesting powers and origin stories. After he and his friends escape from a failed tomb raiding expedition, war veteran Rory Harper is horrified when he begins to collect the actual souls of the dead as “rags” that make up his signature suit, which allows him to tap into the strengths that the now-deceased person’s soul still carries. He’s like a terrifying hero mummy, only somewhat less terrifying because his name is Ragman. (Ray Fawkes, Inaki Miranda)



The Family Trade #1—Set on an island city in an alternate universe, a family of assassins and thieves protects the world order from the shadows… until their youngest member manages to somehow kick off a civil war. (Justin Jordan, Nikki Ryan, and Morgan Beem)

Maestros #1—A magical royal family lies dead. The throne, and its power to grant godlike power to the King that sits on it, is empty. The fate of a magical kingdom lies in the hands of the banished heir… a scruffy millennial from Orlando. The kingdom is probably doomed. (Steve Skroce)

God Complex #1—A futuristic city is wracked by the murder of three church acolytes, but the digital forensics investigator assigned to their grisly case uncovers secrets that could turn his life, and the whole city itself, upside down. (Paul Jenkins, Bryan Lie, and Hendry Prasetya)

Warframe #1—The scifi loot shooter game comes to the world of comics, as cybernetically advanced warriors known as the Tenno battle to keep the solar system safe from a race of aliens desperate to plunder it for its ancient technologies. (Matt Hawkins, Ryan Cady, Studio Hive)



Kid Lobotomy #1—An utterly bizarre series that’s basically King Lear but with a creepy hotel, and a young ex-rock star/new hotel owner whose life of trauma causes him to see inner demons while trying to turn the business’ ailing performance upside down. (Peter Milligan, Tess Fowler)

Dark Horse

Sherlock Frankenstein and the Legion of Evil #1—The world of Dark Horse’s seminal Black Hammer series expands with a new miniseries cataloguing the supervillains of the world left running around after Spiral City’s heroes mysteriously vanish. (Jeff Lemire, David Rubín)

Boom! Studios


Eugenic #1—The world is nearly ended by a mass viral outbreak, but a brave scientist discovers the cure, allowing humanity to rebuild from the brink of devastation. But when the children of the vaccinated survivors are born with bizarre abnormalities, it’s clear that humanity has entered a new era. (James Tynion IV, Eryk Donovan)

Rugrats #1—Get a dose of unadulterated ‘90s nostalgia as the classic cartoon series returns to comics. First up: The babies find themselves fighting against the surveillance state when their parents install a dreaded baby cam in the playpen. (Box Brown, Lisa Dubois)


Eternity #1—Valiant is teasing its major new series as something beyond time, space, and reality, so unknown that… err, we don’t actually know anything about it. But it’s promising to be big and game-changing, at least. (Matt Kindt, Trevor Hairsine)

Shadowman/Rae Sremmurd #1—In what has to be unequivocally the most peculiar comic book crossover of 2017, Valiant’s shadowy guardian of the lines between the world of the living and the dead teams up with the Mississippi hip-hop duo. Yes, really! (Eliot Rahal, Renato Guedes)



The Shadow/The Batman #1—These two icons of comics have already met once before, but now the Dark Knight and the pulp legend that inspired his earliest adventures are forced to unite once again and fight an evil that sits at the heart of their two worlds. (Steve Orlando, Giovanni Timpano)

Titan Comics

Fighting American #1—While Steve Rogers has been adding a dash of world-ruling fascism to his repertoire in the pages of Marvel’s Secret Empire, Titan has been planning a return for another all-American Jack Kirby/Joe Simon comic classic: the Fighting American and his trusty pal Speedboy, flung from Cold War America into the modern world. (Gordon Rennie, Duke Mighten)

Dan Dare #1—A legend of British scifi comics, space pilot Dan Dare finds himself bored in a solar system finally at peace—but things change quickly enough when an unknown alien promptly blows up one of Saturn’s moons.(Peter Milligan, Alberto Fouche)




Captain America #695—Shockingly, Steve Rogers’ reputation has been a bit damaged after his summertime fling with fascism. Having been restored to heroism at the end of Secret Empire (spoilers but not really), Captain America strides out across America to see what the common people think of his recent turmoils. (Mark Waid, Chris Samnee)

Spider-Man #234—Miles Morales has had his life turned upside down, but he’s no time to deal with it—especially when a new Sinister Six has been formed specifically to take him out. (Brian Michael Bendis, Oscar Bazaldua)

Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #297—The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man finds himself in a not-so-friendly neighborhood when the NYPD is on the hunt for him for reasons unknown, resurrecting that age-old question of Spidey comics—Spider-Man: Threat or Menace? (Chip Zdarsky, Adam Kubert)

Daredevil #595—Kingpin has done the unthinkable and wrestled control of New York City into his big, meaty hands. Matt Murdock has his powers and the law on his side, but whether that will be enough to take his city back is anyone’s guess. (Charles Soule, Stefano Landini)

The Punisher #218—Frank Castle finds himself with the opportunity to take his violent brand of vigilantism global—by messing with the legacy of Rhodey and donning the fallen hero’s War Machine armor. (Matthew Rosenberg, Guiu Vilanova)

She-Hulk #159—The Leader is back, and has a new plan to defeat the indestructible She-Hulk… namely by turning Jennifer Walters against herself. (Mariko Tamaki, Jahnoy Lindsay)

Doctor Strange #381—Whatever happened to Stephen Strange? The good Doctor is nowhere to be found, as the sanctum sanctorum is occupied by a new Sorceror Supreme: Loki! Wait, what? (Donny Cates, Gabriel Hernandez Walta)

Legacy One-Shots—Even more heroes return for Legacy!

  • Darkhawk #51—Chris Powell finds himself in a fight for his superheroic legacy when two members of the Fraternity of Raptors come to Earth to reclaim the stone that grants him his powers. (Chad Bowers, Chris Sims, and Kev Walker)
  • Not Brand Echh #14—An anthology of kooky, fourth-wall breaking stories, including the not-so-triumphant return of Not Brand Echh mascot Forbrush Man. (Nick Spencer, Christopher Hastings, Jay Fosgitt, Gurihiru, and more)
  • Power Pack #63—The team of superpowered kids finds themselves in mortal danger when an enemy from their past makes a sinister return. (Devin Grayson, Marika Cresta)
  • Master of Kung-Fu #126—Shang-Chi is the best martial artist in the Marvel Universe—don’t let that Danny Rand tell you otherwise—but what does he get up to when he’s not a stalwart backbencher for the Avengers? Kicking ass on his own terms, apparently. (CM Punk, Dalibor Talajic)
  • Silver Sable and the Wild Pack #36—She already faked her death once, but Silver Sable finds herself returned to the mercenary life, and trapped in a deadly situation where she needs to get herself and a group of hostages out alive with no backup and no gear. (Christa Faust, Paulo Siqueira)



Doomsday Clock #1—This is it. Ever since DC Rebirth revealed that Watchmenwas now part of the DC Universe, and Doctor Manhattan the architect of a sinister plan against DC’s greatest heroes, fans have been waiting for more. How many answers will the first issue bring? Turns out Superman is on the case. (Geoff Johns, Gary Frank)

Hawkman: Found #1—After Dark Nights: Metal ripped up the continuity of Carter Hall once more, what’s the deal with Hawkman? It’s time to find out. (Jeff Lemire, Bryan Hitch, and Kevin Nowlan)

Batman and the Signal #1—Duke Thomas has got a new (and weird) costume, and a new mission: defend Gotham City when Batman can’t. Which, hilariously, is usually during the day. Hey, they don’t call him the Dark Knight for nothing. (Scott Snyder, Tony Patrick, and Cully Hamner)

Batman: Creature of the Night #1—A Batman-themed followup to Kurt Busiek’s work on Superman: Secret Identity, a young boy who loves Batman comics finds himself facing a similar tragedy to his lifelong hero Bruce Wayne when his parents are killed in a terrible attack. But in a world without heroes like Batman, what’s a traumatized young kid like Bruce Wainwright meant to do? (Kurt Busiek, John Paul Leon)

Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #1—Black Lightning is heading to the CW next year, but before that, he’s back in the comics. But something’s different this time: This is a younger Jefferson Pierce and his young daughters are nowhere in sight, but he’s still a teacher who helps his students in the classroom as Mr. Pierce, and on the streets as the superhero Black Lightning. (Tony Isabella, Clayton Henry)

The Demon: Hell Is Earth #1—A strange vision leads Etrigan and his human alter-ego Jason Blood to Death Valley. But what awaits them there changes the very nature of their demonic bond, as Hell comes to Earth, quite literally. (Andrew Constant, Brad Walker, and Andrew Hennessy)

Mystik U #1—Zatanna is back! But this isn’t the premiere magic user of the DC universe we’re familiar with. Re-imagined as a teenager only just awakening to her true power, Zatanna finds herself enrolled alongside a few other teen takes on familiar DC magic wielders at a new magical college. (Alisa Kwitney, Mike Norton)

The Jetsons #1—DC’s wild take on the cartoon worlds of Hanna Barbera classics continues with a re-imagining of the family of the future, as George Jetson tries to corral the hectic lives of his family. (Jimmy Palmiotti, Pier Brito)



The Gravediggers Union #1—The end of the world is here, but before the Gravediggers Union can band together to prevent is, their leader has to find his daughter and keep her safe from the supernatural horrors about to be unleashed… even though she could be the one behind it all. (Wes Craig, Niko Guardia, and Toby Cypress)

No.1 With a Bullet #1—In a far future where viral stars are made out of anyone thanks to high-tech contacts that can record your every waking moment, an internet star fleeing a leaked sex tape finds herself thrust into a world of terror and murder. (Jacon Semahn, Jorge Corona)

Dark Fang #1—An aquatic vampire finds her oceans ravaged by climate change, so in order to keep her human prey in the surface world still alive and kicking, she takes the fight to the fossil fuel industries destroying the planet in an act of less-than-altruistic environmental activism. (Miles Gunter, Kelsey Shannon)

Port of Earth #1—Aliens make first contact with Earth not for war or for peace, but with a business deal: In exchange for technology beyond humanity’s comprehension, Earth gets its own intergalactic space port. In order to keep the peace and stop aliens from escaping onto the planet to cause havoc, a new kind of port patrol team is formed. (Zack Kaplan, Andrea Mutti)

Void Trip #1—The last two humans in the galaxy are nearly out of supplies—and, perhaps more importantly, out of psychedelics—but that’s not stopping them on their quest to make it to the fabled promise land of the superplanet Euphoria. (Ryan O’Sullivan, Plaid Klaus)



Sword of Ages #1—A young woman claims the power of a legendary sword, inspiring a legion of heroes to rally to her cause and protect their world from an alien threat. (Gabriel Rodriguez, Lovern Kindzierski)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters II—The heroes in a half-shelf find themselves hopping dimensions once again for a team up with Ghostbusters… because who else are you gonna call when you find yourself trapped in a ghost dimension? (Erik Burnham, Tom Waltz, and Dan Schoening)

Dark Horse

Rasputin: The Voice of the Dragon #1—The origin story of one of Hellboy’s most dangerous foes, in which the man who would one day found the BRPD encounters the mystic who would help summon Hellboy to earth for the first time. (Mike Mignola, Chris Roberson, Christopher Mitten, and Dave Stewart)

Boom! Studios

Kong on the Planet of the Apes #1—Seeing as the Planet of the Apes is Earth, it makes sense that there’s a Skull Island on it, complete with very large ape to boot. Cornelius, Zaius, Ursus, and Zira venture to the mythical island to learn more, but can they survive their first encounter with King Kong himself? (Ryan Ferrier, Carlos Magno)


Ninja-K #1—The origins of British spy/actual ninja Ninjak are revealed, as Colin King finds himself hunted when a killer goes after the Ninja Programme, MI6’s top-secret squad of ninja assassins. (Christos Gage, Tomás Giorello)

Harbinger: Renegades #0—Need to start prepping for the comic book events of 2018 already? No? Well, Valiant wants you to anyway with the prelude for Harbinger Wars 2, which reveals a new threat emerging from the ashes of Toyo Harada’s Harbinger Foundation. (Rafer Roberts, Juan José Ryp)

Via Gizmodo

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